Smart Civil Aviation Airport Planning


For the purpose of developing the civil aviation industry at the provincial level and promoting the construction of smart airports, information planning for airports provides strong information technology support for the high-quality development of airports based on the airport development strategy and an integrated management system, which points out the blueprint, development direction, technical route, application architecture, and construction plan for airport informatization to be implemented in an orderly, goal-directed manner without duplicative investments.

Background Information

In recent years, airports have witnessed rapid business development and surging growth in passenger traffic and goods flow every year. However, the existing information system makes it difficult to meet the business development needs for the rapid growth of aviation ground support services, passenger services, and aviation logistics services. The information imbalance during airport informatization, information islands, and repetitive operations also accelerate the need to upgrade the existing information system, with information strategic planning to be implemented in steps in a unified way to adapt to the development of the airports.

Overview for Solutions

Information planning is to scientifically apply the rich practical experience to the informatization of the civil aviation airport industry, grasp the latest information technology development trends, and put forward the vision, goals, and strategies for airport informatization. Through development planning for informatization, a system architecture for airport informatization is created, with the logical relations among all parts of the information system and the architecture design, model selection, and implementation strategy of the specific information system identified. The informatization objectives and content are generally planned to provide comprehensive and systematic guidance in the airport informatization process. The airport information technologies are adopted in a coordinated manner to meet the needs of airport development in a timely manner, so that the strategic objectives of the airport can be achieved as boosted by the digital transformation of the airport. Therefore, the Informatization Construction Development Strategy plan is prepared to meet the high development needs of the airport.

Customer Benefits

1. Absorb new information development concepts

The digital transformation of the airport development model optimizes the processes involved with aircraft, passenger, luggage, goods, and mail services, introduces new technologies, and develops new applications to comprehensively promote the construction of "smart airports" with the goal of intelligence empowerment.

2. Promote informatization in an orderly manner

Airports receive powerful information technology support for rapid growth in the planning and development period, which points out the information blueprint, development direction, technical route, application architecture, and construction plan for airport informatization to be implemented in an orderly manner.

3. Ensure the effectiveness of informatization

All units are effectively guided by airport information planning to implement the informatization process in an orderly, goal-directed manner without duplicative investments, by scientifically adopting information technologies to upgrade the passenger and goods transport efficiency, service quality, and operation management of the airport to a new level and thus enhance the overall benefits and image of the airport.

4. Grasp the trends in industry informatization practices

With the help of the planner's continuous follow-up research and close contact with the civil aviation airport industry, the latest trends in industry informatization practices can be understood to keep pace with the current development trend of the industry.

5. Improve the awareness of airport informatization

Airport information planning is not only a harvest of planning and development achievements, but also a process of gathering consensus, leading direction, and avoiding risks. Throughout the planning process, extensive exchanges and interactions will be carried out among various units of the airport, and these units will also be driven to comprehensively improve their awareness of informatization by means of seminars.

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